New York based poet/Hip-Hop artist Messiah Ramkissoon is here with a positive message on the importance of Black fathers for the community.

This incarcerated youth activist has been working hard for what he has achieved. At the age of four, Ramkissoon first discovered the power of words, thanks to a second mother who encouraged him to write and perform poetry.
Both the lyrics, and visual for “Black Fathers” possess power. Classicly shot in black and white, we see black fathers with their sons throughout the video. This is an image that we know is around, but is not necessarily portrayed in the mainstream. Black dads matter, they are powerful, and needed, and show love.
“”Black Fathers” is a tribute and a call to action to black fathers. It is not meant to create silos or alienate from the inclusivity of all fathers, but rather an ode to a demographic that society itself has isolated for centuries. Separation from families during slavery, discrimination in the world of employment, welfare laws to create division and lack of value for their presence in the home, disproportionately imprisoned via unjust crime laws without being privy to the inheritances and resources others find attainable… the list goes on…
Ramkissoon’s forthcoming groundbreaking record, “The Eye of Freedom, Vol.1” will be released on 2.21.20. “Black Fathers” is available on all platforms now, check out the video below.
“Black Fathers” celebrates the men who have gracefully superseded popular stereotypes and are the exemplars of relentless fathering and are irreplaceable assets to the family structure.”
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