Dr. Heavenly Places Allegations On Mariah Huq’s Husband, Says Her Husband Actually Cheats

Dr. Heavenly from Married To Medicine dropped by Sister Circle Live and spoke on her truth in regards to the cheating allegations placed upon her husband Dr. Damon.

Via. Face The Truth

During this season of Married To Medicine, Dr. Heavenly and Mariah Huq got into it a few times. The main fight can be seen below when Huq accuses Dr. Damon of cheating.

Since that first accusation, Huq apologized to Dr. Damon and Dr. Heavenly about the accusations, but allegedly still has the receipts, which she had during the reunion tapping. However, it appears that the said receipts prove nothing, according to Dr. Heavenly.

On Sister Circle Live today, Dr. Heavenly, without having speaking Huq’s name, spoke on the reunion and the cheating allegations. “A lot of men on the show cheat, that accuse my man of cheating, they man cheat, and misery loves company,” Dr. Heavenly said at one point.”Just because other people’s husband’s have done done, you know, the one that’s accusing me, her man cheats.”

Watch the videos below.