Lucy McBath, Mother of Slain Teen Jordan Davis, Won Congressional Race In Georgia

After a fighting to defend her son, Lucy McBath, mother of slain teen Jordan Davis will now have the chance to fight and change the laws and people in power.

After dealing with such a painful loss, Congresswoman McBath has taken her pain to help create change. By completing her first run, and winning, McBath has now helped flip a long help republican House seat on gun control.

“We’ve sent a strong message to the entire country,” Lucy McBath tweeted on Thursday after Rep. Karen Handel conceded. “Absolutely nothing – no politician & no special interest – is more powerful than a mother on a mission,” she said.

After her son became the victim of a race hatred killing, McBath became a spokeswoman for the Everytown for Gun Safety group. Her son Jordan Davis Her 17-year-old son, Jordan Davis, was fatally shot at a Florida gas station in 2012 by a white man who was angry over the loud music the black teenager and his friends had been playing in their car.

The shooter, Michael Dunn, argued that he thought he saw the barrel of a gun inside the car and was in fear for his life when he shot up the SUV. The prosecution said that the threat Dunn, a white man, perceived from the group of black teens was “only in his imagination.” Dunn fired 10 shots in three short bursts, striking Davis three times. The teens were unarmed. The jury denied Dunn’s self-defense claim and convicted him of first-degree murder. He was sentenced to life in prison in 2014.

McBath  told Elle Magazine she decided to run for office to make a difference on her son’s behalf. Wanting to make a change for gun control, McBath stated that “the worst thing that ever could happen has happened to me. There’s not much more I’m afraid of.”