Pooch Hall Gets Charged With Child Endangerment And DUI, Faces 6 Months To 6 Years

Marion (Pooch) Hall faces multiple felony charges after he let his 2-year-old child drive his car while intoxicated.


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Earlier this month, witnesses reported to TMZ that Hall had been reported to the police after his car was spotted weaving in and out of traffic. Witnesses also said that Hall’s son was in his lap and holding onto the wheel, seemingly controlling his vehicle.

Cops were called when the 41-year-old collided with a parked vehicle. He reportedly blew a .25 blood alcohol level, more than three times the legal limit. He was later arrested that day.

Hall, 44, was charged with one count of child endangerment Tuesday, Burbank Police Department Sgt. Derek Green told the Daily News. The charges were filed on Oct. 23 by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. Hall, a father-of-four now faces a maximum of six years and six months behind bars.